Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Obama And The Left Finally Taking Aim At Our Second Amendment Right

Well, thank you very much, all of you second amendment supporters who voted for Obama and the other lefties in the Senate and House of Representatives. They have predictably seized on the recent killing of innocent school children in Connecticut to call for more federal gun control laws and further erosion of your second amendment rights. The liberal news media, of course, is singing in the chorus. In their minds it is always the availability of guns to the law-abiding citizens that is the blame. The Constitution, in their minds, is an old dusty document that has outlived its usefulness. Of course, they use their first amendment right to attack the second amendment, and I believe that when that right gets to problematic--I say "when" ironically, knowing that that time has long since arrived--they will suggest that it is time to curb that as well. 

I know that the argument is that, if there were no guns, there would be no gun victims. That is a useless and silly argument: It is impossible to get rid of all guns. It will always be necessary for our military and police forces to have guns. It is also impossible to get rid of all crazy or evil people.  The best thing is to provide deterrents at the schools, and I mean gun-toting deterrents, not just a locked door and a buzzer to let people in. Just as was the case at the movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, the Connecticut elementary school was a gun-free zone.  The shooter in Colorado chose the one theater near his home--not the closest--where "No Concealed Guns Allowed" signs were posted.  He obviously felt more able to carry out his crazy scheme to the fullest if he were confident that there would not be a concealed gun in the possession of a movie patron.  The same thing is evident in the Elementary school shootings. As crazy or evil as this guy was, he was obviously not stupid. He was confident that the children and teachers would not be able to defend themselves.

I have no problem with hiring retired police officers, military or trained and armed security officers to patrol our public and private schools.  My daughter is police officer at a state university. Every college or university I am aware of has their own police department.  But, the security at our schools should not be a federal affair.  Local control is sufficient.  Our federal government has already taken to much power unto itself. Obama and his socialist cronies would love nothing better than to take on just a little bit more--who am I kidding? They would like to take on all they can get.

We on the right can pull out statistics and research till it makes you on the Left's head spin like Linda Blair's in The Exorcist. The most gun-related mass murders have taken place where the gun laws have been the strictest, and overall gun crime is less where concealed-guns are allowed.  You scream and shout till your blue in the face--and most of you on the left do--that we have to do something about guns in the hands of criminals and crazy people, but the fact remains that Connecticut has some of the strictest gun laws in the country.

As important as the protection of our innocent children, is our protection of our constitutional right to bare arms.  The left has always argued that guns kill people and that we need to limit their ownership. Strict laws have been the norm in all communist and socialist countries in history. Our founders recognized that all law-abiding citizenry needed the right to bare arms, not to just protect their families and private property from foreign threats, but from domestic threats, including a government out of control. Criminals and crazy people could not care less about what gun laws our liberal-minded legislators or executive order-toting president might do to limit the gun ownership of the law-abiding. They will always get their weapons. The same day that the Connecticut elementary school shootings took place, a cray knife-wielding man cut up more than 20 children at a school in China. 

The point is that there will always have the evil and crazy among us eager to do harm to the innocent unprotected, and they will always find a way to do their evil and crazy deeds. The answer is not to disarm the righteous and sane among us, but to allow those among us, who are willing, to defend ourselves and those who cannot defend themselves from evil. More guns in the hands of good citizens prevent more crimes and atrocities. It happens every day.

By the way, the numbers of these types of mass shootings are down in recent years. The peak was reached in 1929. History is a wonderful thing.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Who Is A Big, Fat Liar? And, Who, Is A Big, Fat Idiot?

We often hear or use the terms "Big Fat Liar" or "Big, Fat Idiot", without really considering that the terms do not really make sense, if the point is to be clear and descriptive. For one, does being big or fat mean that you any more of a liar or an idiot than if you were little or skinny? Come to think of it, I have heard some use the phrase, "You are a little liar!" I do not think, however, that the meaning was the the person was suspected of lying a little bit. So I guess the big and fat descriptions refer to the greatness of the liar's lies or the abundance of the idiot's idiocy.

He may not actually be a 'Big Fat Liar', but Obama is at least a liar of a great magnitude. Most of the deceit, however, comes in the form of not telling the truth to the people he counts on to keep him in office: The voters in the middle of the political landscape, the ones he uses as his pawns, or as Comrade Lenin supposedly called them, "useful idiots". He tells them what they want to hear and then he discards them as he moves towards his goals. His success at this deception has, of course, been helped along by the media, who refuse to do their jobs. Obama got a lot of votes from people who are ignorant about what he has said in the past about his plans for his presidency. In 2008, while running for president the first time, in an interview for the San Fransisco Chronicle--no surprise that he would be truthful to that audience-Obama made some of the following statements about energy policy:

"The problem is can you get the American people to say this is really important and force their representative to do the right thing? That requires mobilizing citizenry. That requires them understanding what it is at stake, and climate change is a great example... When I was asked earlier about the issue of coal...under my plan of cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket...even regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad, because I'm capping greenhouse gasses, coal power plants, natural gas...you name it...whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was, they would have to retro-fit their operations. That would cost a lot of money...they would pass that money on to the consumers. If you can't persuade the American people that, yes, there is going to be some increases on electricity rates on the front end, but that over the long term, because of combinations of more efficient energy usage and changing light bulbs and more efficient appliances, but also technology improving how we can produce clean energy that the economy will benefit...I was the first to call for a 100 percent auction on the cap and trade system, which means that every unit of carbon or greenhouse gasses emitted would be charged to the polluter...That will create a market in which whatever technologies are out there that are being presented whatever power plants that are being built, that they would have to meet the rigors of the market and ratcheted down caps that are being place, imposed every year...It will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge amount of money for all the greenhouse gasses that's being emitted."

Now, if you are concerned about the rising cost of things in this economy and you were unaware of these energy policies--using government regulations to force people to spend more for their energy and to put companies out of business--and you voted for this guy, shame on you for being ignorant and shame on the media for not letting you know what his policies really were and are.

And the there is the farce that is Obamacare. It is hard to wrap your brain around this, because the numbers are continually changing. When this health care legislation was signed into law, it was estimated by the Congressional Budget Office to cost $940 billion for the following decade. Now, the Congressional Budget Office, working with actual numbers and not the crap numbers allowed them by the Obamacare proponents, projects the cost over the next ten years to be $1.76 trillion. A bit more than expected, wouldn't you say? In 2009, Obama said, "Now add it all up, and the plan I'm proposing will cost around $900 billion over ten years...less than we have spent on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and less than the tax cuts for the wealthiest few Americans that Congress passed at the beginning of the previous administration." A lot of people, including myself, knew it would be much more expensive than Obama and the Democrats claimed it would be--federal government programs are always much more expensive than they are promoted to be--but, many prefer to not think about the expense of things and go for the feel-good product. Too much candy will kill you, have you not heard? Critics called the numbers into question, but the media refused to high-light anything that might derail their boy's chances of a landmark presidential achievement. The news media largely loved FDR during his day and Obama is today's media's "FDR'. I might mention here that I was told by a pre-med student friend of mine that, after attending a university meeting for pre-med students about what to expect with Obamacare, that she and over a hundred fellow students, who had hoped to become physicians, decided that they would never be able to pay off the cost of their education under the coming regulations and dropped out of the pre-med program. I thought it would save us money--note, for the Obama fans, the sarcasm dripping.

Then there is the famous (not) statement that Obama made to ABC's Chuck Todd--it would be famous if the media would bring it up again--that "raising taxes on business in a recession would hurt the economy. You might gather from that statement that Obama really understands how economy works, but it really only shows that he says what he thinks will appeal to the voters at the moment, while quietly holding on to his socialist principles. FDR, though extremely wealthy himself, constantly railed against the "rich" to create in the minds of the target voters an 'us-against-them' mindset to insure their support. Obama has done similarly, especially this time around by demonizing Romney as a rich 'fat cat'.

Though he admitted in 2008 that raising taxes would hurt the economy, Obama also let slip in an interview with Charlie Gibson that he was primarily interested in social justice. In the interview, Gibson reminded him that though Obama said he wanted to go to the capital gains tax rates under Clinton of 28 percent, that Clinton had actually signed legislation lowering the rate to 20 percent and that Bush took it down to 15 percent and that in each instance revenues from this taxes increased, with the government taking in more money. He also pointed out that in the 80s when the taxes increased to 28 percent that revenues went down. Gibson then asked, "Why raise it at all, especially given the fact that 100 million people in this country own stock and would be affected?" Obama replied: "well Charlie, what I've said is that I would look at raising the capital gains tax for the purpose of fairness. We saw an article today which showed that the top 50 hedge fund managers made $29 billion last year -- $29 billion for 50 individuals. And part of what has happened is that those who are able to work the stock market and amass huge fortunes on capital gains are paying a lower tax rate than their secretaries. That's not fair."

I am so glad that Obama and the Democrats have a corner on the fairness market--for the benefit of you Obama fans, I am being sarcastic here. I am not sure they understand what the word "fair" even means. Does it not occur to Obama and his minion, including the slobbering news media, that reduced government revenue and slowing economies for the sake of 'fairness' in the socialist's mind is not being fair to everyone concerned. For the umptieth time, ECONOMIES ARE NOT STATIC, THEY ARE DYNAMIC! raising taxes will always stifle economic growth. When Obama says that asking the wealthiest among us to pay just a little bit more to help pay down the debt, he is playing his supporters like the fools they are.

This brings me to the "Big Fat Idiot" part. Clearly, if you have been paying attention--apparently around 52 percent of have not been, as of late--you understand that Obama and his knowing followers talk out of both sides of their mouths, depending on who might be listening, and knowing that the media will be silent and not bring up any embarrassing questions or mention any important statistics. Deception is rampant in the administration and the news media is uninterested. Anyone know any more about "Fast and Furious" or the "Benghazi Affair"? Let me say here that I totally expect economy to really tank again--it really has not started to recover anywhere outside of right-to-work states where Republican governors and Republican legislatures are in control. We are likely to hit depression lows, if the Obama administration gets its way. Unlike the FDR era, Republicans still have a say as to how much we tax and how much we spend. We have been told that the wealthy are the enemies of the poor and the middle class, no matter that the "wealthy" tend to be the major employers in the world. may of them actually work for their wealth and risk their wealth, when they can afford it, to create jobs for the rest and amount more wealth for themselves and other middle-class investors. Who has a 401K or other retirement program who does not depend on capital gains?

Clearly, we can see who the "Big, Fat (metaphorically speaking) Liar" is, though a really good argument can be made for the news media. Who then is a "Big, Fat Idiot"? Informed or uninformed, a slight majority put the Big Fat Liar in office again, so the answer is, I think, rather obvious. Sorry about the Big, Fat part. I do not mean to be insulting to big or fat people. I know a lot of big and/or fat people who voted for Romney too.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Having Cake and Not Be Able To Eat It At All.

Well, the unions killed the goose that laid the golden twinkie. The tasty Hostess Company will not return as it was.  Some have asked the question, "Was Hostess not too big to fail?" Apparently, the union bosses involved did not have as much influence with the White House as the auto worker union bosses did. Imagine, if you will, federal money being borrowed for bailing out Hostess, but thy feds telling bond owners to take a hike, firing the CEO and making the unions part-owners of the company and non-union suppliers left out in the cold.  That is what happened with Chrysler and General Motors.

As usual, union bosses screwed things up.  It is ludicrous, especially in this dreadful economy, to expect a company devoted to sweet snacks to survive without cutting their expenses. You would think that even a union thug was smart enough to see that striking against court-ordered restructuring of union benefits would leave Hostess with no other option but to cut their losses and sell off their assets. But it has been a long time since union bosses have been realistic about strengthening the workers' positions. Mainly, union bosses are trying to feather their own nests and currying political connections.

Mexico can make the products much cheaper and maybe just as tasty. Hopefully, other companies will buy the brands and they can continue the iconic brand of Hostess alive, perhaps in more business-friendly states. Most of us would prefer to have our tasty treats made in our own country, or even in our own states or towns, but unions are making it more and more difficult for people to have good jobs. Right-to-work states, for the most part, have more work and more jobs. Supply and demand is still the best control in any economy. If you build a company, workers will come. If you are a thriving company and want and need to keep good workers, you will naturally pay more and offer  more benefits than your competitor. If your product is wanted, you will prosper. If your product becomes less attractive to the consumer, you need to change your product or, perhaps, cut the cost of your product to make it more appealing. This is the simple reality of business in the free market place. However, when the unions enter the equation, reality is suspended for many. There is never an end of company money, as far as union bosses are concerned. The investors and management are always "fat cats" who are trying to live big on the backs of the workers. Have you looked at how big union bosses live? Have union members asked union bosses to cut back?

GM, as George Will recently noted, had become a health insurance company for its employees and twice as many retired employees, and which had to try to sell enough cars on the side to pay for all of the employee benefits. The only fix that would preserve the status quo for unions and their Democrat cronies was to have the big "Auto-Bailout". It was actually a union bail-out, but that is getting too technical . Hostess is doing the only practical and honest thing it can do, after filing bankruptcy several times since 2004, trying to keep the company and over 18,000 jobs afloat. I only wish General Motors had done the same thing. GM might have come back leaner and meaner and with products the country and the rest of the world want and can sell without government subsidies. Can you imagine a government subsidized twinkie? Michelle Obama might have a say in what goes into it. It would be like the Chevy Volt: nobody would want have one, let alone eat it.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Man Who Knows Too Little

Who would have thought the spirit of Sargent Schultz, of Hogan's Heroes fame, would possess the body of our wonderful president--note the sarcasm dripping from that statement.  Our president, Barack Hussein Obama (umm, umm, umm), seemingly is unaware of anything that he should know. Just as he was unaware of  the gun-running operations of the Justice Department to Mexican drug cartels which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Mexican citizens and one of our border agents, Obama has no idea what happened in Benghazi on September 11, 2012. It has been nearly two and a half months and when questioned about what happened and why, his response is, in essence, "I know Nothing!" To be honest, he does not actually put it that way. His usual response is actually an effort to sidestep the question with an irrelevant suggestion that he is offended that anyone would suggest that he would be politically motivated in any way. Or, he declares that "we are trying to get to the bottom of it" and "we will bring the perpetrators to justice".  His notions of actual justice being brought to bare would be laughable, if I thought for a moment that it was at all funny. 

We have a real problem with the Benghazi event. We are not being told why Stevens was in Benghazi, a hotbed of terrorist activity, on 9-11, after telling his superiors at the State department that he feared for his safety and requesting more security, with a light security team. Why was he meeting a Turkish official just hours before he was attacked and killed? Why? What did he do while 4 Americans were being murdered? What did the president know and when did he know it? Who was calling the shots?

We also have a real problem with the news media, who gets excited about an extra-marital affair by CIA head, David Petraeus, while they give the president a pass on the a fore mentioned questions. Granted, a FOX reporter dared ask a question, but the other news organizations have been silent. They are constantly protecting their Messiah--Obama is obviously the closest thing they have to deity in their lives--from any political harm. Any evenhanded observer would know that a Republican president would not be able to skate through such a debacle as Benghazi gate without an anal exam by the press. It is what the press is supposed to do. The fact that they choose not to, is a very serious problem for the nation. Ignorance may be bliss, as they say, but it is also the very road to destruction. Did I just coin a phrase? I hope so. When a political storm strikes a presidency, the press should not be providing a rain coat for him to keep from getting wet.  America, WE Have A Problem!

Did Your Vote Count?

The question must be asked. I wish I didn't have to be the one to ask it. But, since no one else will, it falls to me. Did Barack Obama actually, legitimately, fairly and legally win the election? My answer is an unequivocal no. It was not a free and fair election. In fact, if we as a nation don't acknowledge the reality of what I am saying, we may never have a free and fair election again in the future of this once-great nation. You can look it up, as they say, but here are some facts that may have eluded you:

The Obama campaign willingly accepted foreign campaign funds.  They were not obliged to accept it but they did. They accepted illegal campaign contributions in 2008 and got away with it, so why would they not expect to do so again. They favorite mantra of Obama is "Nobody told me anything about it!" He refused to identify donors of $200 or less, though most of the funds were supposedly small donations.

Did anyone other than my friends and family see the videos captured by James O'Keefe of the Project Veritas--remember him exposing the ACORN people trying to facilitate prostitution rings?--showing Democrats operatives willing and eager to help commit voter fraud by allowing people to cast numerous votes.

And again, as is the case when Democrats run the Defense Department, our service men and women were systematically denied the opportunity to have their votes count. If there was public service union for our members of the military, I suspect that they would be driven to the polls, given coffee and pastries and told who to vote for. But, the very people who fight to allow us the freedom of voting have to jump through unrealistic hoops to do the same.

Then there is the photo ID requirement. Democrats believe that photo ID requirements suppress the vote.They do, of course, but only illegal votes, which Democrats apparently need in very close elections. The same logic should be used in most everything where photo IDs are normally required. Photo IDs suppress illegal activities like writing bad checks, credit card theft, purchasing illegal substances, illegally driving a car, getting into the Democrat convention, etc. By coincidence, Obama won every state where open voting--no ID required--was the law. I mean seriously folks, there is absolutely no good argument for not requiring someone to provide proof of who they are before the perform their sacred American duty of casting a vote. That right to have your vote count one time and only one time should be protected. Yet even when governments try to provide photo IDs at little or no cost to the voter, Democrats are against it. The obvious answer is that it cuts down on their cheating options.

In Philadelphia, Republican poll inspectors were forcibly removed from voting sites where Obama was the winner of nearly 100% of the vote. In Ward 4, where a poll watcher was wearing an Obama shirt
, the vote was 9,955 for Obama and 55 for Romney. Really? In today's economy? 9,955 to 55?  Obama also won 44 Cleveland voting districts by 99.8%. In one Ohio county, Obama won with 108 percent of the registered voters. Then there are the numerous reports of voters trying to vote for Romney in an electronic voting booth but every time they pushed the button for Romney, Obama's name was marked. It never seemed to happen the other way around. Who knows how many people did not catch the "glitch"? Interestingly, Romney received 3 million fewer votes than McCain did in 2008 while Obam snared 10 million fewer votes than he did in 2008. But Obama the 4 most critical swing states by only 500,000 votes. It was also reported that about 5 million independents who voted for Obama in 2008 changed this time around and voted for Romney.  This would suggest that nearly 5.5 million Republican and Romney independent votes were either did not show up or their votes were not counted.
So I ask again, did Obam win? Yes. Did he actually, legitimately, fairly and legally win the election? If you think so, you are delusional. If you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent, and do not care, and think that the ends justify the means, you are killing this great country. Granted,voter fraud has been around since this country began. Fraud has determined the outcome of way too many elections in local, state, and federal levels, but we do not have to like it and we do not have to quietly accept it.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Yes, I Am Disgusted!

Well, what can I say? True to my word, I am disgusted by the election results (see my last blog). The news media, for the most part, has become the enemy of truth and the unofficial --it might be official, actually--PR arm of the Democrat party. I have literally grown to loathe them for their failure to live up to their responsibility. I have no hope that they will even give lip service to trying to get to the bottom of the Benghazi Cover Up. But I am even more disgusted by the idea that a small majority of the American electorate has finally arrived at the place where they want to vote themselves more free stuff rather than to vote themselves more freedom. Let there be no mistake about it: Free stuff is not free. You have to pay for it with your moral soul. In my mind, we have now officially joined the rest of the socialist world. The road back will likely be long and hard.

We have also reached a point where a small majority seems to have bought into affirmative action in political terms. In 2008, America elected its first "Black" president. America was anxious to do so. It would be a sign that racism had been overcome. To do so, they would elect a man whom they knew virtually nothing about. In 2012, America elected a man that had proved in 4 years that he was unqualified and unprepared to do the job. To elect him to a second term, they had to reject a man who had much better qualifications and a wonderful track record of success. It is obviously a case presidential affirmative action. Our small and silly majority felt it necessary to give Barack Hussein Obama a do-over, to see if he could do it better this time. The problem is that they still do not know who he is, because they have to be spoon-fed information, as they have become accustomed to in the necessities in life. Like a child who will not eat his broccoli though it is really nutritional and would help make him healthy, they refuse to be educated  about things which will make them smarter and wiser  Yes, I am disgusted!  I'm keeping this short so I can go cry!

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Here it is the Saturday before Tuesday's election day. If I am to believe the polls at this point, I would be disgusted. There are five things that come to mind that would thoroughly disgust me this Tuesday:

Firstly, I would be disgusted with the mainstream media. Never, in my sixty years, have I witnessed a betrayal of the American people by the news media so profound to try to keep a politician in office. As ignorant and self absorbed as the general public can be at times, I am convinced that, if you held our nose to a pile of crap, even the biggest navel contemplators among us would likely recognize the smell as CRAP! Unless, of course, our olfactory senses had been fried by cocaine addiction--I actually believe drug abuse can push you to the left, philosophically.  Almost two months ago on 9-11--anyone remember the significance of that date? I do and it should be understood that it has even more significance to our enemies who are crazy Muslims--our consulate in Benghazi was attacked by Al qaeda affiliates and four Americans, including the Ambassador to Libya, were murdered. Earlier in the day, as a number of embassies were being overrun and Muslim crazies protested an anti-Muslim video on the Internet, which none of them had seen, but only heard about, our embassies started sending out messages of apologies to the Muslim world for allowing such a nasty piece of work to be produced. Mitt Romney came out at this point and said that we should not be apologising for having free speech in America. The media attacked Romney for trying to make political hay so quickly. Though Romney was right, the  media hounded on this issue for several days, until it was apparent that it had not traction with the general public. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, murder and mayhem was taking place in Benghazi.  For over two weeks the Obama administration tried to cover up the fact that they had hung Ambassador Stevens out there in Libya without sufficient security, lying the the American people about a supposed demonstration against the infamous video gone awry. When extra security was asked for, the embassy was told to make do. We--I use the word "we" to include others beyond my self here--still do not know why Stevens was meeting with an official of Turkey a couple hours before he was murdered. It is obvious to even the most casual observer--maybe not Giraldo Rivera--that the cover up by the administration was devised to mislead America about what they were doing in Libya and to continue the hoax that Al qaeda was on the run.  Such information might not be good for the president's reelection.  As I have said before, Where is the curiosity of the left-leaning news media? Do they want Obama reelected so badly that they will refuse to do their job? They never needed a Democrat challenger to carry the water for them when the went after Nixon, Reagan or the Bushes. FOX NEWS is the only major news outlet that can be taken seriously. The rest should be doing their job too!

Secondly, I would be disgusted by anyone who might be moved in their convictions about Obama based on his TV appearances post Hurricane Sandy.  You want to tell me he is more presidential now that he has been seen hugging disaster victims?  Again, he came out and made attractive promises to those who suffer, without any real follow through.  Anybody really believe anything he says? He made a huge number of promises concerning jobs, the economy, health care, divisive politics and such that he was unable to deliver on. Oh, and there was the one about the oceans receding. If anyone sees him other than what he is, an ACORN community organizer (agitator) with the power of the White House to spend tax-payer money to create more dependence, they are the blind following the blind. He has never done anything beyond selling two autobiographies and getting himself elected to political office. He voted present almost exclusively as an Illinois senator, did nothing for four years as a United States Senator, and mucked up everything he has touched as president. He was unable to make any decisions for fear of hurting himself politically, including calling for the hit on Bin Laden without being pushed into it by Hilary Clinton. Now he looks presidential? He said yesterday that voting was the best revenge. Presidential? I like Romney's response: Vote for love of country.

Thirdly, I always have a hard time understanding how people can vote for a president because they want him to accomplish certain things and at the same time cast a vote for a person who will instinctively work against that president to the best of their ability. I have noticed in the polls of various states, such as Montana, Missouri and Indiana, that Romney is favored by the state electorate, but that the Democrat running for that state's senate seat is leading in the polls. How stupid are you to do that? I could understand it if the Republican was somehow a Satan-worshipping, child-molesting cretin, but these are candidates who will support Romney's agenda.  The great statesman, Harry Reid--boy was that hard to say, even in sarcastic jest--has proclaimed that as Senate majority leader he will try to disrupt Romney's every move. Do you want to keep that clown as the Senate Majority Leader? Heaven forbid! I mean, PLEASE, HEAVEN FORBID! Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. How about just shooting yourself in the head!

Fourthly, I would be disgusted if you have not made up your mind until you enter the voting booth. Polls tell us there are still some undecided voters out there. Really? What is wrong with you that you are unable to see what is going on around you. Are you as incapable of making a hard decisions--not that this at all a hard decision--as Obama has been most of his political career. Does it have to effect you personally? Do you not care more about the state of our country than you do about how your clueless friends will view you?

Fifthly, I would be disgusted if you as an American could not care less about this election. You have been given a gift! For whatever reason, you were born in the greatest country, with the most opportunity and freedom, that has ever existed in recorded history. This nation is special, because of unique constitution and the internal struggle we have gone through over the past couple centuries to make this an even greater country to live in. We are inadvertently, though I believe some are actively trying to lead us there, heading for destruction, as far as freedom and opportunity are concerned. Eventually the people who are asleep at the wheel will be jarred awake as our country veers completely off the road. We need a majority of careful and serious minds that comprehend our actual state. We need people to wake up and see where we are heading. For example, if we put our union concerns ahead of the good of the country without looking at repercussions, we are hiding our heads in the sand. We are ripe for destruction, it would seem. Maybe even over ripe. Do we smell rotting fruit or a clean breeze trying to reach us?

Please America, do not leave me disgusted! Vote for Romney and give him a congress who will help him get this country back on the road and heading in the right direction.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


I wanted to do a blog on Alinsky's rules for radicals and another on Marx's Communist Manifesto for my next blog, but I will get to them, possibly in the next couple of weeks. But, I feel like I have to say something about Benghazi and the debates. I'll start with the debates.

The remarkable thing to me is that people wait so long to start paying attention to politics, while the country is in such dire straits. But, I guess that is reality. The debates, so far have cemented in my mind my theory about the polls and why they appear to be changing drastically. In national polls of likely voters which are not skewed by 5 to 9 over sampling towards democrats, Obama has been consistently below 50%.  The polls have shown a very close race, often with Romney a bit behind. Why, if the American people are generally satisfied with Obama's presidency, would he have trouble getting to and staying at 50%? And why then, if Romney is a viable alternative in the minds of the American public, would Romney have the same trouble? I believe the reason is that the American public has been subjected to the Obama show now for 4 years and pretty much know him. Those who are not addicted to the Obama koolaid pretty much know that Obama is a failure, that he has no clue about the economy and job creation. But, until the debates they have been smothered with the Democrats' story-line that Romney is a selfish, money-grubbing, tax-dodging, cancer-causing, woman-hating monster. It is a wonder that Romney was even close in the polls. The debates changed that perception.

In the first presidential debate, the public, apart from the koolaid drinkers, got to see that Romney is a human being with absolutely no similarity to the Democrats' pictures of him. He had facts, numbers, and reasonable answers to the nations ills. Obama came in, showing his real self to no one's surprise. Obama was arrogant and disdainful. He had no arguments, except that Romney is a rich guy who only cares about the other rich guys--rich women would be excluded, of course.  Romney cleaned his clock! Even the liberal media could not come to Obama's aid or explain it away The result was an immediate surge in the polls for Romney. The Obama answer after the fact was that Romney was lying about everything. No evidence, just the accusation. I guess money-grubbing rich guys who are not Democrats are automatically big-time liars.

In the vice-presidential debate we saw Biden doing his diabolic "Joker" impression while stretching the truth even more than he usually does. Biden was obnoxious and rude, trying hard to get under Ryan's skin, while Ryan was respectful and stayed on message. The result was even more clarity that Biden is an old fool who has a problem controlling himself when he is in front of a camera, and that Ryan is serious-minded and self-controlled. The public could see that Biden was as bad a twit as they knew he was and that Ryan was not the radical right-winger as he has been portrayed by the Democrats and liberal media.

On the second presidential debate, Obama came out swinging, declaring that Romney was lying about virtually everything, while Romney continued to rely on facts about the bad economy and the Obama policies which have failed. Obama was much more animated this time. He apparently realized that he was not necessarily impervious to facts and would have to more energetically call Romney a liar whose pants were obviously on fire. He also received a lot of help from the liberal moderator, Candy Crowley. If Romney was about to metaphorically knock Obama down, Candy would step in and ring the bell by changing the subject. Obama was given 10% more time to make his arguments. The most egregious interruption came during the give-and-take over the Benghazi fiasco. When Obama was about to get knocked out (metaphorically) over the question of when the president first acknowledged that the murders of the ambassador and three others in Benghazi were a terrorist attack. Obama claimed that he acknowledged it as a terrorist act the day after. As the blow was landing, Candy stepped in, with a transcript of Obama's speech no less, and deflected the blow by suggesting that the president's claim was true. What?!  What a hack she is. She later tried to excuse her meddling in and said that Romney was mainly accurate in his criticism of the president's declaration. Even with Romney having to debate both Obama and Crowley at the same time, Romney was able to perform at the same level of intensity and to continue to destroy the image of him that the the Democrats and liberal media have created.  The result will likely be firmer conviction by the folks in the middle that Romney is at least a better alternative.

Now, about the Benghazi debacle. The attempt by the Obama administration for two weeks to depict the Terrorist attack on the consulate as a demonstration gone awry against a silly you tube video is extremely troubling.  It has been revealed that there was real-time video and audio at the consulate to which the state department was tuned in as it occurred, which let the state department know that it was not a demonstration, but a direct, well planed terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9-11. Who would have thought that evil and wacky Muslims might try something evil and wacky on the anniversary of 9-11? Apparently not the Obama administration.  It has also been revealed that Ambassador Stephens was in fear of his life and that the embassy security team had requested several times for more security measures, only to be told that they would not get it. Why was Stephens in Benghazi, a known locality of terrorist infestation, on 9-11-12 with no significant protection? Why was the request for extra security ignored? Who decided that they would not get the extra security? That, incidentally, is the question put forth in the second debate that brought up Benghazi, which Obama avoided actually answering. Why did the Obama administration work so hard to write the event off as a demonstration against a stupid video, which was not seen by very many people to that point, when they would have clearly knew that the facts would not support it?  Why is the mainstream media, by and large, not asking these questions?  In my opinion, there is something going on here beyond the obvious answer, that Obama did not want his foreign policy to appear to be failing as the election looms ahead. To me, this obvious cover up is more significant than what happened in Watergate. FOUR PEOPLE DIED, including an American Ambassador, because of, at least, negligence! In it's best possible light, the administration tried to cover it up for political reasons. The Watergate cover up was about a fumbled break-in--a stupid act that would have gone away if it had been acknowledged--but nobody died as a result of it. Benghazi-gate is a cover up of the facts of events that resulted in the brutal murders of FOUR INNOCENT HUMAN BEINGS! Hopefully we'll get some answers. The main-street news media will not try to get to the bottom of it by themselves, but I know that the next debate will be on foreign affairs. I suspect it will come up again there. Hopefully, we won't have a debate moderator getting in the way this time. 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Read A Good Book Lately? I Have!

If you have read one of my blogs before, you realize that I am profoundly conservative, both socially and politically.  I do not think that I was necessarily born that way.  I am a product, to a great degree, of my upbringing and my early school education. I liked to read a lot growing up and, like a good part of my generation, I watched a lot of television. I tended to gravitate towards historical programs, if they were available.  My parents were socially conservative and generally politically conservative, in theory, though my father was a registered Democrat. However, I am relatively sure that he would be apposed to what the Democrat Party embraces, if he were alive today. The point is that I had pretty good conservative roots.  As I grew older and began to think for myself, I struggled with the fact that the things I was being told by society and popular media were distasteful to me. Part of this is because I am a religious man and much of what society is pushing these days is 180 degrees out of my comfort level. By 1980, I became a dyed-in the-wool Conservative. My political thought had become firmly entrenched in conservatism. I knew what I felt, but like most people I wanted to reinforce my "feelings" with logical thought. I have spent significant time and effort the last few years trying to educate myself, or reeducate myself in some cases, to better understand our history. It is extremely valuable to know where we came from philosophically and how this nation and culture evolved.  So I have read and, in some cases, reread documents and books to reaffirm the things I understand and believe. If you want to know how I arrived at my current state of belief, I would suggest the following books and documents which I have read and studied:

The Declaration of Independence; it needs to be read every 4th of July to remind the thoughtful patriot of why our forefathers thought this government was necessary.

The Constitution of The United States; especially the first ten amendments known as our Bill of Rights; The Bill of Rights made the rest of the document relevant. It should be read every year as well.

The Federalist Papers; these are the arguments put forth by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, to interpret the Constitution and belay the American people’s fear of a more powerful central government and to show that its powers would be limited and would not trample on personal liberties. The Anti-federalist Papers argued the opposite, but I admit that I have read those more sparingly. After all, their arguments did not prevail and the Articles of Confederation, which the anti-federalists were not anxious to abandon, were a total failure and were leading the fledging United States to an early grave.

The Bible, The Book of Mormon and The Koran; though other religious texts can be read and studied as well, these books are invaluable, if read with the intent of understanding what makes their adherents tick.  The Bible and Book of Mormon are, in a nut shell, about people who are admonished by God to be faithful to Him and to love their fellow man, and how, if they become prideful and ignore God’s power in their lives, they will, of their own doing, become ripe for destruction.  The Bible was the root of the Judeo-Christian culture that drove the founders and eventually inspired them to create a republic like ours. The founders, such as Samuel Adams, were steeped in the study of The Bible and saw their state as similar to the children of Israel. The Bible showed that people needed to trust in God and not the arm of the flesh. Against God’s will, the people of Israel rejected the rules of judges and asked for a king. They suffered almost continually thereafter because of their choice. The Book of Mormon also endorses the rejection of kings because a people can’t always count on having a good one. The Book of Mormon is especially relevant to America in what Mormons perceive as the Latter Days. The story line in The Book of Mormon parallels our current time, if you believe that Christ is returning soon and that wickedness sows the seeds of destruction. It also specifies America as a land of promise, which will be blessed as long as its inhabitants are righteous and worthy.  I’ll probably get my head cut of for saying this (hopefully, only figuratively), but The Koran seems to me to be very disjointed, erratic in its doctrines and extremely uninspiring. It seems to be mostly about Mohamed’s revelations to rewrite events in prior scripture and to teach followers to bring others into subjection. It is easy to see how extremist Muslims can interpret their scripture to kill and terrorize non-Muslims. The Allah of The Koran is much scarier than Jehovah of the Old Testament. The Koran is a must read to get a more accurate picture of the religious fanatics who want to carry its teachings to the destruction or subjugation of all non-Muslims. I have read several books on Mohamed and Islam but, though some of the books were sympathetic, my discomfort with jihadist mentality was not eased.  The point is that one cannot judge a book by its cover. If the book is revered as God’s word, it warrants actual reading before discarding.

Plato’s The Republic, Machiavelli’s The Prince, Thomas More’s Utopia, Thomas Hobbes’ Leviathan, Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto, and John Locke’s and Montesquieu’s Treatise on Government ; More, originated the term ‘utopia’, but all of these books or documents describe what the authors believe to be the utopian or most ideal political system. Machiavelli describes how to create power and rule by force. The Machiavellian approach to gaining power can be recognized in many of the rulers on the Left. Plato actually describes several options, but none are an actual democratic republican form as we have. All of the systems envisioned by these men, with perhaps the exception of Machiavelli, were socialistic in nature and depended on an enlightened ruler or ruling class to keep order. However, there is not much in their theories to explain how to keep the ruling class in order. Locke and Mantesquieu are the odd men out here, though. Locke’s notions of natural law, moral duty and limited government along with Montesquieu’s ideas about divided powers in government, namely executive, legislative and judicial, were the fountains of thought that the founders turned to when issuing the Declaration of Independence and constructing The Constitution of the United States. If you don’t want to take the time to read all of these works, but want to get a good understanding of their basic messages and how they have historically impacted world politics in general, threaten our system or endorse our form of government, you can read Mark Lavin’s Ameritopia. As is his wont, he has thoroughly studied the subject and puts these works in true context.

I have also read numerous biographies of our founding fathers. If you want the best understanding of the lives of the founding fathers and what they wanted to create, I would suggest that you read about the lives of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin and read as much of their own words as possible. I have read several biographies on George Washington, including: George Washington: A life by Ron Chenow; His Excelleny: George Washington by Joseph Ellis, and Being George Washington by Glenn Beck.   Washington was the most impressive man of character of his time. he was trulu indespensible in the formation of our nation. He set a very high standard as our first president, under our existing constitution. Very few presidents have even come close to him since.  

Franklin’s autobiography is a good start in studying him, and then you should go on to read Walter Issacson’s Benjamin Franklin: An America Life.  Benjamin Franklin was a remarkable intellect among the intellectual giants of his time and he was considered by his contemporaries as the first great American.

I also recommend biographies of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. The ones I have read are: David McCullough’s, John Adams, Joseph J. Ellis' Founding Brothers and and Ron Chernow's Alexander Hamilton. These books show very different personalities united in purpose to form a unique nation.  Of course, their differing world views also caused them to go against George wahington's warnings given in his farewell address from the presidency and inadvertantly created a party system which still divides us today.

Other important historical figures of whom I have read biographies and auto biographies include: Daniel Boone, Andrew Jackson, Davy Crocket, Abraham Lincon, Frederick Douglas, george Washington Carver, W. E. B. Dubois, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, both George Bushes , and Bill Clinton.  Each of these historical figures made lasting impressions on their contemporaries and represented a particular world view. The political figures, in particular, changed the direction of politics and philosphical direction of the nation for important lengths of time; some for good and some for bad, in my opinion. I particularly enjoyed Ronald Reagan's diaries while president. It was. I think, a window into the man and his true character that even an autobigraphy could not sufficiently provide. Autobiographies are good origial sources, but they can be no more than an attempt at rewriting history or create or recreate an image. One must be suspicious and read between the lines at times.

  I recently read Barack Obama’s Dreams From My Father and encourage others to give it a read.  Again, you cannot theoretically discard a book without actually reading it first and sustain complete intellectual honesty.  If after reading it, there is any doubt in your mind about his screwed up view of the world, I would ask you to read Dinesh D’Souza’s The Roots of Obama’s Rage.  There can be no doubt as to what Obama is doing to the country, as his “useful idiots” enthusiastically follow along.  They should read both too.

Since I am conservative in my politics and world view, I try to read all of the conservative books I can fit in. I have read the historically utopian viewpoints that Liberals keep trying to resurrect from the bone yard of political thought and I easily reject them out of hand. The arguments against such silliness are legion. Books of a conservative viewpoint which I have read in the past few years that strengthen my position include: Thomas Sowell’s  Basic Economics and Black Rednecks and White Liberals; Ann Coulter’s Guilty: Liberal “Victims” and Their Assault on AmericaHow to Talk to a Liberal, If You Must, Slander: Liberal Lies about the American Right, Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism, and Godless: The Church of Liberalism:  Amity Shlaes’ The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression;  Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning;  Ayn Rand’s novel, Atlas Shrugged; and David Horowitz’s autobiography, Radical Son: A Generational Odyssey.

 Sowell’s books explain how the real economic world works and how we have misconstrued the origins of “black” culture and unveils liberal fallacies.  He is meticulous in his research and might be the most intelligent and practical man, who happens to be a black man, in the country.  Ayn Rand was pretty morally messed up when it comes to life style, but she was right -on about the destructive effects of socialism, and how it destroys the spirit of innovation and work ethic.  Atlas Shrugged is a rather laborious read when the characters drone on for pages making a simple point so, after a page of a character’s argument, you can skip a few pages to the next event and you will not miss anything. Nevertheless, you should read it once.  I found David Horowitz’s book about 15 or more years ago and found it fascinating. He tells of his parents being communists and how it was the plan for the Communist Party in America to join infiltrate the Democrat Party and take it over, moving it towards the radical Left. He tells how, as a radical Marxist, he worked with the Black Panthers and Weathermen organizations, but that he eventually became disillusioned with their politics and violent intents and of his conversion to conservatism.  The rest of these books are highly researched and historically accurate exposes of forgotten history. The Left, since the days of Woodrow Wilson, has been controlling the history that our children and young people study from grammar school through college, shaping their views and attitudes. These books mentioned above put history straight and have helped me understand that my innate world view is correct.    

The study of history and philosophy must be a part of our education, if we are going to have a chance of making informed decisions, come election time. With our vote, informed or not, we are nudging our nation in one direction or the other. My study of history shows that we have been, with a few exceptions, steadily moving away from the founders’ model. If you think moving further left is good, you should do so fully informed. However, you will not be informed by today’s mainstream media. Their agenda is clear to anyone paying attention.  They have bought into the old Utopian idea that socialism is a perfect solution to the world’s ills.  The problem is that socialism has lowered the creativity and production of the people subjected to it in every place in the world it has been tried. My study has shown me that individual liberty and the pursuit of individual happiness should be every person’s goal.  Artificially making the playing field level for everyone limits the gifted and encourages the less gifted not to try.

Granted, most of my reading leans toward current conservative thought, but I have invested a lot of time studying the classics and I recognize that all current liberal thought is generated by the same Utopian sources mentioned above. I read Obama's book and concluded that it was self promotional tripe. Researchers have since discovered that much of it was made up of whole cloth. He deliberately "combined" some of the characters and fabricated certain events to better lay out his narrative. He intentionally hid the identity of some of the characters in his autobiographies, like his old mentor, "Frank", who was in truth the "poet", Frank Marshall Davis, a dissident member of the Communist Party and a part-time pornographer.  It would not do for him to divulge too much about his past associates and their philosophies.  Incidentally, Obama's audio version does not even mention Frank. When the occasional light has been shown on his past connections and affiliations, news organs like The New York Times and NBC totally ignore it. I have found that I can get more information about the Left's true agendas from writers and news outlets on the right.

Most Americans think they have no choice or they do not care.  They will, in time, realize that they have foolishly given up another piece of their freedom to be a little more comfortable in their lives, but only when it is too late   My challenge to anyone reading this blog is to get yourself a clue. Don’t vote until you know something and form a truly informed opinion.  Read a good book!

Saturday, September 29, 2012


If you have read one of my blogs before, you realize that I am profoundly conservative, both socially and politically.  I do not think that I was necessarily born that way.  I am a product, to a great degree, of my upbringing and my early school education. I liked to read a lot growing up and, like a good part of my generation, I watched a lot of television. I tended to gravitate towards historical programs, if they were available.  My parents were socially conservative and generally politically conservative, in theory, though my father was a registered Democrat. However, I am relatively sure that he would be apposed to what the Democrat Party embraces, if he were alive today. The point is that I had pretty good conservative roots.  As I grew older and began to think for myself, I struggled with the fact that the things I was being told by society and popular media were distasteful to me. Part of this is because I am a religious man and much of what society is pushing these days is 180 degrees out of my comfort level. By 1980, I became a died-in the-wool Conservative. My political thought had become firmly entrenched in conservatism. I knew what I felt, but like most people I wanted to reinforce my feelings with logical thought. I have spent significant time and effort the last few years trying to educate myself, or reeducate myself in some cases, to better understand our history. It is extremely valuable to know where we came from philosophically and how this nation and culture evolved.  So I have read and, in some cases, reread documents and books to reaffirm the things I understand and believe. If you want to know how I arrived at my current state of belief, I would suggest the following books and documents which I have read and studied:

The Declaration of Independence; it needs to be read every 4th of July to remind the thoughtful patriot of why our forefathers thought this government was necessary.

The Constitution of The United States; especially the first ten amendments known as our Bill of Rights; The Bill of Rights made the rest of the document relevant. It should be read every year as well.

The Federalist Papers; these are the arguments put forth by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, to interpret the Constitution and belay the American people’s fear of a more powerful central government and to show that its powers would be limited and would not trample on personal liberties. The Anti-federalist Papers argued the opposite, but I admit that I have read those more sparingly. After all, their arguments did not prevail and the Articles of Confederation, which the anti-federalists were not anxious to abandon, were a total failure and were leading the fledging United States to an early grave.

The Bible, The Book of Mormon and The Koran; though other religious texts can be read and studied as well, these books are invaluable, if read with the intent of understanding what makes their adherents tick.  The Bible and Book of Mormon are, in a nut shell, about people who are admonished by God to be faithful to Him and to love their fellow man, and how, if they become prideful and ignore God’s power in their lives, they will, of their own doing, become ripe for destruction.  The Bible was the root of the Judeo-Christian culture that drove the founders and eventually inspired them to create a republic like ours. The founders, such as Samuel Adams, were steeped in the study of The Bible and saw their state as similar to the children of Israel. The Bible showed that people needed to trust in God and not the arm of the flesh. Against God’s will, the people of Israel rejected the rules of judges and asked for a king. They suffered almost continually thereafter because of their choice. The Book of Mormon also endorses the rejection of kings because a people can’t always count on having a good one. The Book of Mormon is especially relevant to America in what Mormons perceive as the Latter Days. The story line in The Book of Mormon parallels our current time, if you believe that Christ is returning soon and that wickedness sows the seeds of destruction. It also specifies America as a land of promise, which will be blessed as long as its inhabitants are righteous and worthy.  I’ll probably get my head cut of for saying this (hopefully, only figuratively), but The Koran seems to me to be very disjointed, erratic in its doctrines and extremely uninspiring. It seems to be mostly about Mohamed’s revelations to rewrite events in prior scripture and to teach followers to bring others into subjection. It is easy to see how extremist Muslims can interpret their scripture to kill and terrorize non-Muslims. The Allah of The Koran is much scarier than Jehovah of the Old Testament. The Koran is a must read to get a more accurate picture of the religious fanatics who want to carry its teachings to the destruction or subjugation of all non-Muslims. I have read several books on Mohamed and Islam but, though some of the books were sympathetic, my discomfort with jihadist mentality was not eased.  The point is that one cannot judge a book by its cover. If the book is revered as God’s word, it warrants actual reading before discarding.

Plato’s The Republic, Machiavelli’s The Prince, Thomas More’s Utopia, Thomas Hobbes’ Leviathan, Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto, and John Locke’s and Montesquieu’s Treatise on Government ; More, originated the term ‘utopia’, but all of these books or documents describe what the authors believe to be the utopian or most ideal political system. Machiavelli describes how to create power and rule by force. The Machiavellian approach to gaining power can be recognized in many of the rulers on the Left. Plato actually describes several options, but none are an actual democratic republican form as we have. All of the systems envisioned by these men, with perhaps the exception of Machiavelli, were socialistic in nature and depended on an enlightened ruler or ruling class to keep order. However, there is not much in their theories to explain how to keep the ruling class in order. Locke and Mantesquieu are the odd men out here, though. Locke’s notions of natural law, moral duty and limited government along with Montesquieu’s ideas about divided powers in government, namely executive, legislative and judicial, were the fountains of thought that the founders turned to when issuing the Declaration of Independence and constructing The Constitution of the United States. If you don’t want to take the time to read all of these works, but want to get a good understanding of their basic messages and how they have historically impacted world politics in general, threaten our system or endorse our form of government, you can read Mark Lavin’s Ameritopia. As is his wont, he has thoroughly studied the subject and puts these works in true context.

I have also read numerous biographies of our founding fathers. If you want the best understanding of the lives of the founding fathers and what they wanted to create, I would suggest that you read about the lives of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin and read as much of their own words as possible. I have read several biographies on George Washington, including: George Washington: A life, by Ron Chernow; His Excellency: George Washington, by Joseph Ellis and Being George Washington, by Glenn Beck. Washington was the most impressive man of character of his time. He was truly indispensable in the formation of our nation. He set a very high standard as our first president, under our existing constitution. Very few have come close to him since.

Franklin’s autobiography is a good start in studying him, and then you should go on to read Walter Issacson’s Benjamin Franklin: An America Life.  Benjamin Franklin was a remarkable intellect among the intellectual giants of his time and he was considered by his contemporaries as the first great American.

I also recommend biographies of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. The ones I have read are: David McCullough’s, John Adams, Joseph J. Ellis’ Founding Brothers, and Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow.  These books show how very different personalities united in purpose to form a unique nation and, against the warnings of George Washington in his farewell address from the presidency, inadvertently created a party system which divided the nation for the rest of its history. 

Other historical figures of whom I have read biographies with much interest include: Daniel Boon, Andrew Jackson, Davy Crocket, Abraham Lincoln, Fredrick Douglas, George Washington Carver, W.E. B. Dubois, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan and both George Bushes.  Each of these historical figures made lasting impressions on their contemporaries and represented a particular world view. The political figures, in particular, changed the direction of politics and the philosophical direction of the nation for important lengths of time; some for the good and some for the bad, in my opinion. I particularly enjoyed reading Ronald Reagan’s diaries. It was a window into the man and his true character, that even an autobiography could not sufficiently provide.

I recently read Barack Obama’s Dreams From My Father and encourage others to give it a read.  Again, you cannot theoretically discard a book without actually reading it first and sustain complete intellectual honesty.  If after reading it, there is any doubt in your mind about his screwed up view of the world, I would ask you to read Dinesh D’Souza’s The Roots of Obama’s Rage.  There can be no doubt as to what Obama is doing to the country, as his “useful idiots” enthusiastically follow along.  They should read both too.

Since I am conservative in my politics and world view, I try to read all of the conservative books I can fit in. I have read the historically utopian viewpoints that Liberals keep trying to resurrect from the bone yard of political thought and I easily reject them out of hand. The arguments against such silliness are legion. Books of a conservative viewpoint which I have read in the past few years that strengthen my position include: Thomas Sowell’s  Basic Economics and Black Rednecks and White Liberals; Ann Coulter’s Guilty: Liberal “Victims” and Their Assault on America,  How to Talk to a Liberal, If You Must, Slander: Liberal Lies about the American Right, Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism, and Godless: The Church of Liberalism:  Amity Shlaes’ The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression;  Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning;  Ayn Rand’s novel, Atlas Shrugged; and David Horowitz’s autobiography, Radical Son: A Generational Odyssey.

 Sowell’s books explain how the real economic world works and how we have misconstrued the origins of “black” culture and unveils liberal fallacies.  He is meticulous in his research and might be the most intelligent and practical man, who happens to be a black man, in the country.  Ayn Rand was pretty morally messed up when it comes to life style, but she was right -on about the destructive effects of socialism, and how it destroys the spirit of innovation and work ethic.  Atlas Shrugged is a rather laborious read when the characters drone on for pages making a simple point so, after a page of a character’s argument, you can skip a few pages to the next event and you will not miss anything. Nevertheless, you should read it once.  I found David Horowitz’s book about 15 or more years ago and found it fascinating. He tells of his parents being communists and how it was the plan for the Communist Party in America to join infiltrate the Democrat Party and take it over, moving it towards the radical Left. He tells how, as a radical Marxist, he worked with the Black Panthers and Weathermen organizations, but that he eventually became disillusioned with their politics and violent intents and of his conversion to conservatism.  The rest of these books are highly researched and historically accurate exposes of forgotten history. The Left, since the days of Woodrow Wilson, has been controlling the history that our children and young people study from grammar school through college, shaping their views and attitudes. These books mentioned above put history straight and have helped me understand that my innate world view is correct.    

The study of history and philosophy must be a part of our education, if we are going to have a chance of making informed decisions, come election time. With our vote, informed or not, we are nudging our nation in one direction or the other. My study of history shows that we have been, with a few exceptions, steadily moving away from the founders’ model. If you think moving further left is good, you should do so fully informed. However, you will not be informed by today’s mainstream media. Their agenda is clear to anyone paying attention.  They have bought into the old utopian idea that socialism is a perfect solution to the world’s ills.  The problem is that socialism has lowered the creativity and production of the people subjected to it in every place in the world it has been tried. My study has shown me that individual liberty and the pursuit of individual happiness should be every person’s goal.  Artificially making the playing field level for everyone limits the gifted and encourages the less gifted not to try. 

Granted ,most of my reading leans toward conservative thought, but I have invested time in studying the classics and recognize that all liberal thought is generated by the same utopian sources mentioned above.  I read Obama’s book and concluded that it was self promotional tripe. Researchers have since discovered that much of it was made up of whole cloth. He deliberately “combined” some of the characters and fabricated certain events to better lay out his narrative.   He intentionally hid the identity of some of the persons in his autobiographies, like his old mentor “Frank”, who was in truth the “poet”, Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the Communist Party and part time pornographer.  It would not do for his political aspirations, for him to divulge too much about his past associations and their philosophies.  Incidentally, his mentor, Frank is not even mentioned in Obama’s audio version of the book. When the occasional light has been shown on his past connections and affiliations, the New York Timeses and NBCs of the news media totally ignore it.   I’ve found that I can get more information about the Left’s true agendas from writers and news outlets on the Right.

Most Americans think they have no choice or they do not care.  They will, in time, realize that they have foolishly given up another piece of their freedom to be a little more comfortable in their lives, but only when it is too late   My challenge to anyone reading this blog is to get yourself a clue. Don’t vote until you know something and form a truly informed opinion.  Read a good book!

Saturday, September 22, 2012


I am frustrated. I would like to address primarily Jews, Catholics, Evangelical Christians and Mormons. I read an article the other day about Mormon Democrats who proclaimed why they were proud Democrats.  They stated that they were for better education, caring for the poor and helping the poor out of poverty, etc. and that the Democrat party was their champion to make those things happen. I am sure that there are those among the Jews, Evangelicals and Catholics who are thinking the same things.  Are Republicans or Conservatives against those things? I know that I am for those things. I am taught, as a Mormon, to share what I have with the poor, to help my fellow man perfect himself, to be self sufficient, and to revere education, which I would assume my fellow Conservatives among Jews, Evangelicals and Catholics do as well. But, our religions teach us to do those things on a personal level, not to turn those responsibilities over to the state. Do you Democrat Mormons, Catholics, Evangelicals and Jews not understand that the current Democrat Party is not the same Democrat Party that your grandparents belonged to?  The Democrat party, until they were “outed”, had removed God and Jerusalem from their party platform—you should know the back-story on this if you have paid attention—and when they were caught and tried to voice-vote the words back into the platform, they embarrassingly dictated the reinsertion over the obvious majority of “No” votes. The current Democrat Party supports repressing religious speech in public places and promotes abortion on demand!  This Democrat Party is trying to socialize everything! They have gone farther and farther to the left over the last fifty years. We, as Christians and Jews, should be standing up for personal rights, not collective rights that give more and more authority to our governments. Christianity and Judaism are all about personal salvation and commitment to God and your fellow man, but collective salvation is what you endorse when you vote Democrat at this time in history.  The Democrat Party is more in line with Marx’s Communist Manifesto than the U.S. Constitution. You might want to read them both. 

I have thought much about why people vote against their personal beliefs for party sake.  For example, I understand that the news media is overwhelmingly liberal, as are the pop celebrities and most of those who work in the entertainment industries; they have been that way for most of the last century. But, do they believe in Socialism or down and out Marxism?  In some cases, the answer is yes—they are recognized by their exuberance and in-your-face belligerence against any conservative thought—but, I am not convinced that all of them are. The news media come from the same journalism schools where they are taught to think that they are the guardians of information. They are taught by teachers who are personally liberal or socialistic. Then, they hang around each other and marry each other. For the most part they live in a bubble, thinking the same thoughts and saying and doing the same things. It is easy to understand that they would think the same way. Polling has produced statistics that somewhere around 90 % of the news media vote democrat. By coincidence, that is almost exactly the percentage of blacks in this country who vote democrat in every election.  No one should be surprised then that the news media would be in the tank for Obama, and that blacks, apart from the conservative blacks, would put their allegiance to perceived racial ties to Obama and vote for him this time too. That was the case four years ago and they seem to be doubling down this time around, though they have to ignore the dire reality of the state of our nation. They wouldn’t seriously vet him then, and they would ignore any stories which might show Obama in an unflattering light. A Republican or conservative is always observed under a microscope and in Romney’s case, when felonious and ridiculous stories are fabricated, the mainstream media jumps on them without trying authenticate them. In my opinion, we have a Pravda-like media, but by media choice rather than government coercion. But if the government continues its slide towards socialism, we will most certainly have that. The same is true with the entertainment media. They are constantly spilling out socialist propaganda by choice, but they will eventually have no choice.

It is somewhat understandable why blacks and some other minorities would vote for Obama in big numbers: Obama is perceived as one of them. But, they are voting for what the want to believe he is and not what he actually is. It is obvious to anyone who studies Obama, as I have pointed out in earlier blogs, that he is not just a “liberal” or “progressive”—the progressive handle by itself should scare everyone to death—or even just a socialist: HE IS A MARXIST! I know that many do not want to know that—some of you in the minority groups do not really care about that because that is what you want or you are just ignorant of what that means—but it is obvious to those of us who have looked at him in detail. Is my frustration showing? I am just beginning to vent. Why would you continue to block vote for people and programs which continue to fail? The war on poverty is a total failure. The education department created under Carter has made a shambles of our children’s education. The black families are especially hurting: More black youth are without education, work, and two parent families than ever before. More people, whether White, Black or Hispanic—I hate differentiating by labeling anyone other than “American”—there are more of you on food stamps (twice the number in just a few years) than ever before.  Blacks and Hispanics are paying just as much at the gas pump as everyone else. Why do you not recognize that the Obama administration’s energy policies have hurt you in the pocket book and sent our hard-earned money and energy jobs overseas? So what that he is the first man of “color” to be elected president. Do you support the president’s social policies? Do you think “marriage” between a man and a woman should be protected? Do you believe that late term abortion, whether the human baby is Black, White, Oriental, or Hispanic, should be protected by federal law and that you are obligated to pay for it.  Do you believe that it is your right to be sustained by tax money to the point of government bankruptcy? 

The problem is, as I see it, is that Democrats, by and large, are Democrats because their parents were, or because they want or fit in with the crowd they hang with. For some it is their religion. When traditions or peer pressure compels you to act against what is arguably in your best interest, you need to stop and question your positions. My request for all of you Democrats, be you Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Mormon, Catholic, Evangelical, Jew, Entertainer, Journalist, or College Student, is that you reflect on what your core beliefs are before you cast your vote in November, Study what your party of choice is advocating. If you think after reading Marx’s manifest, that the Marxist Socialism that we are heading towards with the current Democrat Party, is what you want, and you have read our Constitution and find it a tired old document that needs to be discarded, you should boldly say so, and proudly vote for Obama and his minions. But if you vote without a gut-check and do so because you have always been a Democrat, you are being foolish and being blindly led down the path of this nation’s destruction.

As Romney pointed out in the part of the now famous 47% video that was not shown by the complicit news media, we are 16 trillion dollars in debt, with a credit rating lower than it has ever been, and China and Russia are no longer willing to loan us money. Romney went on to point out that the Federal Reserve is now printing money to buy ¾ of our own debt to keep up our spending. If not stopped, this will make your money next to worthless and send inflation and interest rates skyrocketing.  If you read about what Obama’s intentions were, to necessarily raise the prices of energy to push us towards his pet green energy, you understand that he has succeeded remarkably.

In fine, my frustration lies in the knowledge that some of you are ignorant by choice. You will vote without trying to be knowledgeable. In my opinion, this is a serious crime.  If your religion’s positions are in conflict with your party and you vote your party, I think it is clear that your party is your religion. They say that ignorance is bliss, but I say ignorance by choice is just plain stupid! It is frustrating!   

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Surprise! The Muslim Brotherhood has turned out to be a destructive force in the Arab world and exposes still another weakness in Barack Obama’s overall understanding of all things of serious import. Who would have guessed that he was just as inept in foreign policy as in domestic policies? That would be me!

The president believed in socialism to the point that he has kept us in a miserable economy that should have bounced back within a year. The economic precipice that he and his minions have said we were at when he took office is still there and his silly policies have kept us on the brink of collapse for nearly four years. Now his foreign policy positions of apologizing for imagined affronts to the Muslim world have, like chickens, “come home to roost”. Yes, we know he gave the order to kill Osama. But, even Jimmie Carter would have made that call.  It is lamentable that he wrung his hands over possible political blow-back for so long before he gave the order. It has been reported that the military had Osama in their sites for weeks and were waiting for the okay from the president. It appears that Obama was weighing the pluses and minuses for himself politically, if the attempt failed. It has been reported by ears in the room that Hillary Clinton had to coax him into making the right decision by telling him that that it would be worse for him if it became known that he let him get away. She should know because her hubby, while president, was offered Bin Laden no less than three times and he passed on them. What a brave decision!

Now, we see the results of his brilliant foreign policy in general. Obama made a point of going to Cairo and apologizing for America’s supposed wrongs against the Islam. If we have learned anything about extremist Muslims and Islamic terrorists, we have learned that apologizing only shows weakness to them. Obama recently suggested on the campaign trail, with his usual arrogant smirk, that Romney and Ryan have no foreign policy experience. Obama, as we know, lived in Indonesia as a boy and has visited Africa and other countries around the world, and Biden, who has been on a number of congressional committees having to do with foreign relations which has made Joe an ”expert”. The truth though is pretty evident to even a casual observer: Biden is a complete fool who has been wrong about virtually everything he has put his feeble mind to; and. Obama’s ideas on foreign policy is rooted in his socialistic beliefs about the evils of white colonialism, as can be gleaned—yes, I have read his works—from his two auto biographies. On the other hand, Romney has laid out a foreign policy in his own book, “No Apologies”—yes, I have read it, and you should too—which shows an affinity to Reagan’s approach of strength and loyalty to our best allies. The recent events in the Arab world and the administration’s responses show that Obama can’t figure it out. These Muslim Brotherhood friends of his are betraying Obama’s trust in them and he doesn’t immediately, as usual, know what to say or do. On the other hand, Romney does know how to respond and he did. Romney understands that American values should be about standing tall about our first amendment rights and not trying to bend to other countries’ desires to see the great America humbled. Of course, this scares the media. They don’t want Romney to look competent. That would make the choice of American voters too obvious.

For the world’s sake, America needs to be the leader of the world, not just the free world. We, with our great and inspired constitution should be held up as a beacon for all others to look to and to emulate. Radical Islamists and their convenient allies, progressive socialists, want to destroy everything we hold dear: freedom of religion; economic freedom; and self determination.  We have been warned many times in the past that failure to be prepared, in strength and moral resolve, costs us and the rest of the free world, not to mention the not-so-free world, tremendous sacrifices of precious blood and treasure. There are always some who believe, and sadly come to power in this country, that you can reason with the unreasonable.  When we swing in their direction, we pay the price. Then, we seemingly learn our lesson and we swing the other way and get back on course. We are currently swinging way off course and we need to try to swing back on course before it is too late. Our foolish progressive mainstream media can’t see it. No surprise!   

Friday, September 7, 2012

Watch Your Step! You Might Step In Some Democrat Convention Rhetoric!

I hardly know where to start. There was a treasure trove of ludicrous moments during the Democrat Convention to comment on. It would be like walking through a cow pasture and marveling at all the Democrat statements (or, bull crap—the appropriate synonym to be used) lying about and trying not to step in them. They really stank it up with obvious dishonesty.

Let me start with the absence of the word “God” and the mentioning of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in the Democrat platform this time around and their attempts to cover up their true opinions. With the way things have been going the last four years, I would have been more surprised if those things had been included. Democrats and the liberal judges they install when in power have been routing out every vestige of religious expression of faith from government that they can for the past 60 years, let alone the past four.  Dictates from the bench have been the norm.  The Democrat zealots don’t want the word “God” in our pledge of allegiance, money, courthouses, schools, etc. so why would they want it in their own platform? Even with the constant erosion of faith within the Democrat party voting block—read the polls on the subject, if you don’t believe me—I was a little surprised to see Dick Durbin be so defensive when asked by Fox News’ Bret Baier why the those things would be left out.  You would have thought that someone had set him on fire, or like he had been accused of being un-American (I have often called him that). It was funny to watch him squirm about it. “Are you trying to say we are un-Godly?” I would. 

He and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz make me crazy the way they can look you in the eye and tell the biggest whoppers, like “I never said that” after showing them the video or the audio tape of them saying just that. Miss Debbie was caught on tape this past week claiming to a Jewish group that the Israeli ambassador had confided to her that he thought the Republicans would destroy the American-Israeli relationship. After this was reported by a reporter in the audience, the Israeli Ambassador denied that he ever told Wasserman-Schultz such a thing. When asked about his statement, she declared that she never made that claim. After the tape was brought forward of her saying just that, she stood by her denial. I think that is called chutzpah.

The Democrats who wrote this election year’s platform wrote it that way because they have been watching our president for the past four years and thought it was appropriate. Has Obama done anything to make one think he was a bigger fan of Israel than Islamic brotherhood? I believe not. He certainly hasn’t been friendly to the religious in this country, obligating religious institutions to act against their consciences, by forcing them to imitate Planned Parenthood. When a flurry of obviously unwelcome questions came their way, the Democrats, at President Obama’s direction (dictate), hustled to reinstate the verbiage needed to make them look more religious and Jewish-friendly. It was comical to watch the Democrat mayor of Los Angeles call for a voice vote, trying three times to get the conventioneers to shut up when he asked for “no” vote for adding back the words “God” and “Jerusalem” to their platform. He looked like he wanted disappear every time the “No” vote came back louder than before. Finally, he just gave up and said that he judged a 2/3 majority voting “Yea’. We were told that it was an oversight or something, that Obama had no idea what wasn’t in the platform.  That’s almost as bad as the blatant dishonesty of Wasserman-Schultz! Let’s face it; I think that Dick Durbin protests too much. The majority of the Party Democrat is Godless. And a whole bunch of them are anti-Israel. I heard it for myself.

Then there were the character testimonies of Biden and Clinton. I know that Biden wasn’t making it all up on the spot, because he seemed to be reading from the teleprompter, but that didn’t make it any more intelligible than the things he normally said. Am I making an ad hominem attack? If you’ve heard many of his speeches, I don’t think so.  Clinton can string a bunch of intelligent words together in a pleasing way and make people who don’t know any better buy every word. Of course you have to forget that he is a serial perjurer and will lie to get what he wants every time. I suspect that since, as has been reported, Hillary could not be coaxed into running against Obama this time around, that his best chance for to get back to the White House was to be supportive of someone he clearly hates.

One last parting shot at the Democrats before I go; the August employment numbers came out this morning and they were not good again. Obama and the Dems claim, in Wasserman-Schultz-like fashion, that 95,000 jobs added to the economy—not to worry, it will be adjusted down next month like it has literally every week since Obama entered the White House— is still moving in the right direction. This classic distraction by one hand so that you won’t see what the other hand is doing that illusionists like to use for the gullible.  It will take twice the 95,000 jobs added to keep up with population growth. They will also claim that the 8.3 % unemployment rate dropping to 8.1 % is also a positive trend. The 8.1 number was only possible because another 369,000 Americans gave up looking for work so they were not included in the government’s flawed measure of the unemployed. The real number is over 14 percent, not including the under-employed who are working only part time or in jobs which pay much less than they earned a few years ago. According to the numbers, only 63.5 % of Americans have jobs —a 30 year low. Only the true Obama believers and ill-informed can put a smiley face on the democrat convention and the most recent economic news. Careful where you step!